Roadside Cleanup


Keep Beatrice Beautiful received a NE Department of Environmental Quality Clean-up Grant for our clean-up projects along right-of-ways within the City of Beatrice or within Gage County.  We are seeking clubs, organizations or church groups (youth and adults) to pick up 1 or 2 miles of roadside every year.  The Clean-up Grant allows Keep Beatrice Beautiful to pay $75 per mile OR $15 an acre!

Keep Beatrice Beautiful will furnish safety vests, gloves, safety signs, grab-its and heavy trash bags.   Groups will be responsible to take their filled bags to the landfill or personal trash bins.

If you group/club/organization would be interested in completing a roadside right-of-way cleanup, please call 402-228-4576 or email TODAY for more information!


Keep Beatrice Beautiful
205 N 4 th St.
Beatrice, NE 68310