Among the many ways you and your organization can help control litter in Beatrice and Gage County and make our community more attractive is participating in the Great American Cleanup®. The City of Beatrice has partnered with Keep Beatrice Beautiful (KBB) to coordinate hundreds of volunteers to pick up litter in public areas.
Litter cleanups not only make our city look beautiful but create healthy habitats for wildlife and provide education in practice as volunteers see what items are littered and think about how they can change their behaviors to reduce consumption.
Before the event:
To get started, register your organization, group, or family by completing the Registration Form below. Litter cleanups are flexible to your schedule and group size. A representative will contact you to coordinate your cleanup location and arrange a time for you to pick up cleanup supplies. Return signed waiver forms for each participant in your group to kmcgrury@beatrice.ne.gov.
During the event:
Enter to win prizes by taking photos during your litter cleanup! Take a before and after photo of the cleanup site, action shots during the litter cleanup, and a final group picture with all the trash collected. Submit them to kbb@beatrice.ne.gov. Prizes will be awarded for "Best Photo", "Most Bags of Trash Collected", and "Oddest Item Found".
After the event:
In order to share the great service you are volunteering to do for our community, the City of Beatrice and KBB ask that you complete a brief report to share your impact post-cleanup. Information reported includes the number of bags of trash collected, and the types of litter found during the cleanup.